p.f.m., pfm, p.f.m. 뜻
국어 번역
- phrase, pulse frequency modulation
- p.m. 午後; 오후; 석간; 저녁
- c.p.f.f. phrase, cost plus fixed fee
- f.a.m. phrase, foreign airmail, Free and Accepted Masons
- p.p.m., ppm, ppm, p.p.m. phrase, part(s) per million
- 12:00 p.m. 오정
- c.p.m. phrase, cycles per minute C.P.M. x, critical path method
- d, p, m, phrase, disintegration per minute(물)(방사성 원소의) 1분간의 붕괴수
- e, e, & m, p, phrase, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary 특명 전권 공사
- p.g.m. phrase, Past Grand Master, precision-guided munitions정밀 유도 병기
- r.c.m.p. phrase, Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- f.a.c.p. phrase, Fellow of the American College of Physicians
- f.h.p. phrase, friction horsepower
- f.inst.p. phrase, Fellow of the Institute of Physics
- f.j.p. phrase, Federation of Jewish Philanthropies(of New York)
- n.p.f. phrase, not provided for